Functional Medicine Labs & Testing

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Functional Medicine Labs & Testing

We Offer the Most Current, Innovative & Precise Functional Medicine Testing to Get to the Root Cause of Your Illness

After taking a careful history, your doctor at Flora Naturopathics will recommend the tests that will provide the most insight into your health. She or he will evaluate any testing you’ve already had done to avoid duplication. Armed with the right evaluations, we can often see chronic illness in a whole new light, and new pathways to healing can open up.

For most of these tests, our office will provide you with kits so you can complete collections at home, which are then sent directly to the lab. Our staff works with each patient to get as much of the testing covered by insurance as possible. We can also order bloodwork to be ordered through your insurance.

The laboratories we frequently use are Genova Diagnostics, Dutch, Diagnostic Solutions, Doctor’s Data, US Biotek, KBMO Diagnostics and Mosaic Diagnostics, among others. In addition to these, basic blood work can be evaluated.

If you don’t see a particular test listed here, feel free to ask if it is available.

Functional Medicine Labs & Testing

What Our Patients Say

Take Charge of Your Health with Comprehensive Labs & Results

Don't wait - get the answers you need to take control of your health. Schedule your comprehensive lab test today and receive clear, actionable results with expert guidance. Book your appointment now and start your journey to a healthier, more informed you!

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