(646) 760-6627
Functional Medicine Labs & Testing

We Offer the Most Current, Innovative & Precise Functional Medicine Testing to Get to the Root Cause of Your Illness
After taking a careful history, your doctor at Flora Naturopathics will recommend the tests that will provide the most insight into your health. She or he will evaluate any testing you’ve already had done to avoid duplication. Armed with the right evaluations, we can often see chronic illness in a whole new light, and new pathways to healing can open up.
For most of these tests, our office will provide you with kits so you can complete collections at home, which are then sent directly to the lab. Our staff works with each patient to get as much of the testing covered by insurance as possible. We can also order bloodwork to be ordered through your insurance.
The laboratories we frequently use are Genova Diagnostics, Dutch, Diagnostic Solutions, Doctor’s Data, US Biotek, KBMO Diagnostics and Mosaic Diagnostics, among others. In addition to these, basic blood work can be evaluated.
Functional Medicine Labs & Testing
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
An advanced tool for discerning the cause of symptoms that include gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Biomarkers include those related to digestion/absorption, inflammation and its origin, full gut microbiome evaluation, parasitology and yeast culture. Multiple add-ons are available to test for such conditions are leaky gut and h.pylori.
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Breath Test
Patient with IBS, IBD, celiac, diabetes, fibromyalgia, rosacea and weight control problems will benefit from the SIBO breath test. Our clinic uses the 3-hour lactulose breath test to discern the type, quantity and location of bacteria in the small intestine, which can then guide the treatment process.
Intestinal Permeability Assessment
Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is evaluated in people with chronic digestive symptoms, autoimmune disease and chronic dermatological conditions. This test directly measures the intestinal mucosa’s ability to absorb two sugar molecules through a urine measurement.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It is a helpful guide for patients with chronic digestive complaints. Too, food sensitivities have been found to profoundly affect almost every aspect of the physiology including the immune system, the skin, as well as mood and behavior.
Liver Detox Profile
The removal of toxins through the liver’s two pathways is essential to any thorough recovery from chronic illness. Through a urine screen, the efficacy of these pathways can be discerned by measuring two analytes: d-gluraric acid and mercapturic acid.
Complete Hormones
A comprehensive urinary hormone evaluation, this test is critical for both men and women suffering from problems related to male andropause or female menopause but also symptoms related to period irregularity, weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, low libido and mood disorders. Urine is a more comprehensive analysis for hormones and also allows us to see hormone breakdown, which is not available in blood or saliva.
Estrogen Metabolism Assessment
This test specifically measures the 2/16 estrogen ratio in the urine, which is helpful in gaining information around hormone-related cancer risk, insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, PCOS, low sex drive, estrogen dominance and menopause. Genomic add-ons for MTHFR, COMT and other markers add further insight.
CYCLE MAP Hormone Test
This 28-day urine test allows us to see the progression of hormone production throughout a menstrual cycle, giving key information about when in the month the body stops properly producing hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Useful for those with PCOS, infertility, painful periods, missed menstrual cycles and hormone-driven acne. Adrenal testing is available as an add-on.
Adrenal Stress Profile
The adrenal glands produce cortisol and DHEA, essential hormones to measure in those with stress-related health issues such as insomnia, fatigue, hormone imbalance, hypertension, fibromyalgia, weight gain, depression and anxiety. This test is a carefully timed series of saliva collections done during a 24-hour period.
Adrenal Stress Profile
The adrenal glands produce cortisol and DHEA, essential hormones to measure in those with stress-related health issues such as insomnia, fatigue, hormone imbalance, hypertension, fibromyalgia, weight gain, depression and anxiety. This test is a carefully timed series of saliva collections done during a 24-hour period.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
In our patients engaged in the conception process, we use this test to look at a wide range of markers including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It’s helpful for patients with fertility issues because targeted elimination of food allergies leads to decreased overall inflammatory load.
Complete Hormones
A comprehensive urinary hormone evaluation, this test is critical for both men and women suffering from problems related to issues related to period irregularity, weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, low libido and mood disorders. Urine is a more comprehensive analyze for hormones and also allows us to see hormone breakdown, which is not available in blood or saliva.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
Because proper gut flora is essential for ease of conception, this is a powerful tool for those trying to get pregnant. Biomarkers include those related to digestion/absorption, inflammation and its origin, full gut microbiome evaluation, parasitology and yeast culture. Multiple add-ons are available to test for such conditions are leaky gut and h.pylori.
CYCLE MAP Hormone Test
This 28-day urine test allows us to see the progression of hormone production throughout a menstrual cycle, giving key information about when exactly in the month the body stops properly producing hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Useful for those with PCOS, infertility, painful periods, missed menstrual cycles and hormone-driven acne. Adrenal testing is available as an add-on.
Adrenal Stress Profile
The adrenal glands produce cortisol and DHEA, key hormones, which, when imbalanced, can create problems with acne. This test is a carefully timed series of saliva collections done during a 24-hour period.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
In our patients suffering from skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and rosacea, we use this test to look at a wide range of markers including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It is a helpful guide for patients with skin issues related to leaky gut.
Complete Hormones
A comprehensive urinary hormone evaluation, this test is critical for both men and women suffering from problems related to hormonally driven acne and other skin problems. Urine is a more comprehensive analyze for hormones and also allows us to see hormone breakdown, which is not available in blood or saliva.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
An advanced tool for discerning the health of the gut/skin axis. Biomarkers include those related to digestion/absorption, inflammation and its origin, full gut microbiome evaluation, parasitology and yeast culture. Multiple add-ons are available to test for such conditions are leaky gut and h.pylori.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
In our pediatric patients suffering from anything from eczema to ADD, we use this test to look at a wide range of markers including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
An advanced tool for discerning the cause of symptoms that include gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Biomarkers include those related to digestion/absorption, inflammation and its origin, full gut microbiome evaluation, parasitology and yeast culture. Multiple add-ons are available to test for such conditions are leaky gut and h.pylori.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It is a helpful guide for patients with a host of chronic complaints. Too, food sensitivities have been found to profoundly affect almost every aspect of the physiology including the immune system, the skin, as well as mood and behavior.
Hair Toxic Element Exposure Profile
Using the hair, we can evaluate for recent exposure to toxic metals, which can produce undue burden on the immune system, impairing the immune response and creating symptoms related to behavioral disorders in children.
Toxic Chemical Profile
We are increasingly exposed to more environmental toxins than our body’s can process—in the air, water, our food sources, as well as household cleaners and personal care products. This urine test evaluates for over 180 chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. Essential testing for kids suffering from autism spectrum disorders and ADD/ADHD.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
In our patients suffering from autoimmune disease, we use this test to look at a wide range of markers including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Hair Toxic Element Exposure Profile
Using the hair, we can evaluate for recent exposure to toxic metals, which can produce undue burden on the immune system, impairing the immune response.
Liver Detox Profile
The removal of toxins through the liver’s two pathways is essential to any thorough recovery from chronic illness. Through a urine screen, the efficacy of these pathways can be discerned by measuring two analytes: d-gluraric acid and mercapturic acid.
Toxic Chemical Profile
We are increasingly exposed to more environmental toxins than our body’s can process—in the air, water, our food sources, as well as household cleaners and personal care products. This urine test evaluates for over 180 chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. Essential testing for those suffering from autoimmune disorders.
Adrenal Stress Profile
The adrenal glands produce cortisol and DHEA, essential hormones to measure in those with stress-related health issues such as insomnia, fatigue, hormone imbalance, hypertension, fibromyalgia, weight gain, depression and anxiety. This test is a carefully timed series of saliva collections done during a 24-hour period.
Neurotransmitter Evaluation
This urine collection gives us a broad assessment of the body’s ability to produce and synthesize the chemical messengers that regulate mood including serotonin, dopamine, GABA, PEA, tyrosine, glutamate and others. This test also looks at adrenal metabolites norepinephrine and epinephrine.
Genomic Testing
Looking at gene markers that affect mental health is particularly effective in getting at the cause of certain conditions and at guiding personalized holistic treatment recommendations. Genes evaluated for include MTHFR, COMT, DRD2 and others.
Hair Toxic Element Exposure Profile
Using the hair, we can evaluate for recent exposure to toxic metals, which can produce undue burden on the immune system, impairing the neurological system.
Mold Testing
Mold is one of the most prevalent toxins in our environments and creates a host of adverse health issues. We use a state-of-the-art urine assay to asses 11 different mycotoxins, which help us devise a therapeutic strategy.
Environmental Pollutants Profile
Pollutants and chemicals are commonplace in our air, water, and food, and in many of the products we use. Long-term exposure to these toxins is known or suspected to have serious health consequences. This urine specimen evaluates for14 select metabolites that can help define an individual's toxic burden and provide valuable information for a targeted nutritional and detoxification intervention.
Genomic Testing
Genes dictate how we age and knowing your genetic traits is incredibly powerful from a preventive standpoint. A cheek swab evaluates 98 genes related to skin health, mental function, organ health, sleep duration, healthy hearing and more.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
In anyone looking to take control and optimize wellness, we use this test to look at a wide range of markers including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It is a helpful guide for patients with chronic digestive complaints. Too, food sensitivities have been found to profoundly affect almost every aspect of the physiology including the immune system, the skin, as well as mood and behavior.
Advanced Nutrients Evaluation (Organic Acid Testing)
Weight isn’t just about calories in, calories out. The body’s physiology with regard to metabolism is complex. We use this test to look at a wide range of markers that can imbalance body composition including: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, malabsorption and dysbiosis markers, amino acids, essential fatty acids, neurotransmitter metabolites, toxin and detoxification markers, heavy metals and oxidative stress markers. It is one of our most comprehensive tests for uncovering the cause of chronic imbalance in the body and only requires a simple morning urine collection.
Genomic Testing
Genetics play a key role in your metabolism and set body weight. Through a measure of 48 genetic markers and 16 genetic traits (measured by cheek swab0, we gain key insight into your metabolic strengths and weaknesses, optimal foods for your genes and supplements and exercises that benefit your particular needs.
Food Sensitivity Testing (IgG/IgA)
This is the gold standard of analysis for food sensitivities—an immunological food sensitivity test looks at 96 different foods with regard to a patient’s level of chronic/delayed immune response. It is a helpful guide for patients with chronic digestive complaints. Too, food sensitivities have been found to profoundly affect almost every aspect of the physiology including the immune system, the skin, as well as mood and behavior.
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