(646) 760-6627
About Dr. Kellie Moore

Dr. Moore brings a decade of exceptional experience as a naturopathic doctor to the Flora team. She has a compassionate and collaborative approach to naturopathic and functional medicine that seeks to empower patients to understand their bodies and tap into their innate ability to be well.
Credentials, Education & Achievements:
- Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University
- Bachelors in Biology and Environmental Studies, Austin College
- Masters of Science in Environmental Geography, Texas A&M University
- Board Certified by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners
- Licensed Naturopathic Physician by the State of Washington
Special Training & Emphasis on:
- Gastrointestinal health
- Perimenopause
- Postmenopausal health concerns including osteoporosis
- Hyperlipidemia (elevated cholesterol) and insulin resistance
Why I became a Naturopathic Doctor?
As a young mother I felt disempowered by the conventional treatment offered to my oldest son for recurrent ear infections. I felt there had to be an alternative approach to simply prescribing multiple rounds of antibiotics. That experience and search for options lead me to discover naturopathic medicine and the approach of addressing the root cause of illness rather than only masking symptoms. I appreciate the time I can take as a naturopath to dive deep into lifestyle, personal history and testing and to create personalized treatment plans.
What conditions do I love to treat?
It’s hard for me to choose because so many conditions benefit from a root cause approach, but here are a few of my favorites:
- Gut health was my first love as a naturopath and I continue to be passionate about helping patients improve their overall health by addressing inflammation and imbalances in the gut that can manifest in conditions like GERD, SIBO/IMO, IBS and IBS.
- I love helping women navigate perimenopause and the many potential associated symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety, joint pain, brain fog and hot flashes.
- I am also passionate about helping empower women to optimize their health postmenopausally and reduce their risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and dementia.
- I enjoy helping people uncover and address insulin resistance and prediabetes which are quite common and contribute to many chronic inflammatory conditions.
- I find it very rewarding to be able to help patients address mental health and attention disorders from a holistic perspective that screens for hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, gut inflammation and social and environmental factors.
Things you may not know about me:
- I was born in Lima, Peru, but only lived there for 8 months, and have never been back – it’s on my bucket list!
- My husband is a Brit – and he has a charming accent
- I have four teenagers, two biological sons and two daughters adopted from Brazil
- I spent my highschool years in Brazil and speak Portuguese fluently
- In my freetime I love to sauna, hike, practice yoga and read